Author Interview: Christopher Lee



  • First, can you give us some background about yourself?

  • I received my Bachelor of Fine Arts Degree from the University of Colorado at Boulder. Although my main area of study was in filmmaking, I had always had a mind to tell my own stories. That for me meant writing them and building them from the ground up. After a few years outside of the creative sphere, I decided it was time to get back to it! So here I am attempting to publish my first novel. 

  • What have you written?

  • I am currently unpublished and working on publishing my first novel through the crowd publishing company 
  • Are you currently working on anything?

  • My current work in progress is called Man's Damnation. It is part of a series that I have in mind which attempt to explain man's condition through a series of whimsical alternative histories. 
  • How much research do you do for your writing?

  • A boatload! I can't research enough. As a history buff it is honestly the most enjoyable part of the process for me. I often find myself lost in the research and forget that I need to actually start writing the darn novel!
  • What is your process like in the midst of writing a book?

  • It is a bubbling cauldron of chaos to say the least. Overall the process could be best described as alchemy. I'm trying to create gold out of nothing, but really I am just tossing a million things into a mixture and hoping it comes out bronze. 
  • What does your routine look like when you get to the editing process?

  • I try not to beat myself up too much. I use the Hemingway App to give myself a smoother style since I can be a little wordy. 
  • Do you have any quirks or rituals that help you achieve your writing goals?

  • Coffee, Coffee, oh and more Coffee. Café's are great, and I absolutely have to have instrumental music playing.
  • Tell us about your work space.

  • Usually a few open books in the research mode, and about a zillion tabs open on the netbook. Don't forget the iPad and the Cell Phone just in case I have to move. Mobility is what keeps me sane, I hate leaving a good idea behind. 
  • Are there any software or apps that help you in your writing process?

  • I primarily use Google Docs as my writing platform, but Hemingway App and are my best friends.
  • What do you do when you lose focus? Any tips for getting it back?

  • I take a walk to clear my head!
  • Tell us about your publishing process.

  • I am currently funding the novel through They give you a three month window to receive a certain number of pre-orders and then they publish your work. So far it has been an interesting journey. 
  • Where can people find you and your work?
